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Estrela report rejected: Massive popular protest wins over well-funded lobby groups at the European Parliament

Published: 10.12.2013

A majority of the European Parliament have just rejected the highly controversial report (with 334 votes in favour, 327 against and 35 abstentions).

Citizens in Europe are no longer willing to be dictated an agenda that goes against their profound convictions: parents who don’t accept to be pushed away as the primary educators of their children and who want to give their children love and education, not aggressive and inappropriate sex education and contraception; citizens who want the European Parliament to respect democracy and the boundaries of EU law; doctors and nurses who do not want to be forced to perform abortions.

They made their voice heard – loudly; according to a communication of the European Humanist Federation on the 3rd of December, MEPs had received 80.000 emails of protect against the report by concerned citizens. Since a strong, European-wide mobilisation was maintained until the vote today, it is likely that the number of emails exceeded 100.000.

About 200 citizens and young families from different countries even came yesterday for the second time to Strasbourg , to protest with “Estrela No” posters in front of the Parliament as MEPs were arriving for plenary week.

Ordo Iuris at the VI Transatlantic Summit for Freedom and a Culture of Life in Madrid

• On December 1-3, in the plenary hall of the Spanish Senate, members of the Political Network for Values from 45 countries, from the four continents bordering the Atlantic, met at the “VI Transatlantic Summit.” Among them were representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute, which co-organized thi

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Nation-states must act now to regain control of the European Union and preserve democracy

“Intensive work on treaty reform in order to bring about a more centralized European Union has been ongoing over the past four years. In 2022, the final report resulting from the “Conference on the Future of Europe” was published.

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Who Lost America?  Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do About It

A discussion in Warsaw, Poland, on October 3 about the neo-Marxist drift in the United States, based on Stephen Baskerville’s latest book “Who Lost America?  Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do About It.”

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At the Threshold of the State of Europe: Economy, Defense, Ideology, and Protection of Sovereignty in a Transatlantic Perspective

The Ordo Iuris Institute, with the participation of the Heritage Foundation is proud to host the international conference: "

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